Bottner, Barbara
I published my first book for children in 1973. Since then, over 45 titles, two just last week, three more next year. I have taught people to write at Parson’s School of Design, Miami Dade, UCLA, and privately since then. I have reviewed for the NY, LA Sunday Book Review, was invited to Bologna Book Fair, and my books appear on the Best Books of The Year lists from Amazon, Bank Street, and all the other lists. I illustrated my first dozen books myself.
3 Fun Facts
1. I also perform Spoken Word in LA.
2. I have taught over the years: Lane Smith, Peggy Rathmann, Bruce Degen, Laura Numeroff, Robin Preiss Glaser, Barney Saltsburg, Antoinette Portis .
3. I have a YA novel coming out in 2020. I began in children’s books as an illustrator and learned to write.